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Best Podcasts To Listen To While Working

Apparently a new podcast is released into the wild every 30 minutes. That's a LOT of choice, but as some of you will be aware, not all podcasts were created equal.

Our top podcasts were picked either for entertainment, knowledge or randomness.

A weekly podcast that offers the type of mad facts you'll want to share with everyone, once the pubs open again. Very silly humour (with a little light swearing) from the researchers of QI, a British TV show.

You're Wrong About - If you're tired of 'Fake News' and want some clarity in your life, this is a great one. Discussing the madness of the world in which we live, such as debunking the myths surrounding vaccines.

Back Issue - which celebrates pop culture phenomena that were either largely overlooked by the mainstream media or, if they did pervade the mainstream, deserve reconsideration through a modern lens.

Do The Right Thing - Guests have to figure out what to do in strange and unusual circumstances. Can be quite funny.

Smith & Sniff - Two friends talk about cars. 'Sniff' is Richard Porter who is an ex-producer of BBC's TopGear and 'Johnny Smith' is a really interesting chap who also has a great YouTube channel where he digs up exciting barn finds.

Happy listening!

What's your favourite podcast? Drop a link in the comments below and we'll have a listen over a bowl of cornflakes and a cuppa.


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